Investigating the protection of heart and kidneys in patients with severe kidneyfailure

First participant newsletter

The first participant newsletter is a fact. In order to make participants feel more involved, a newsletter has been created full of facts about the study. This way the progress of the study can be followed and background information can be read. The newsletter can be found under the heading --> participants --> newsletters.

Renal Lifecycle symposium

On April 5th, the first Renal Lifecycle symposium was a fact! In the beautiful Paushuize in Utrecht, almost 80 enthusiastic professionals came together to listen to interesting presentations and exchange experiences together to learn from each other to make the study even better. In the -news- section a link to the various presentations.

Assessment of cognition through an app

We will soon begin adding assessment of cognition to the study. This will be scored via an app and will take only 90 seconds of participants' time. The results will automatically flow into our database. This is an important addition to the endpoints we were already measuring in the Renal Lifecycle trial. Thanks to Orikami for making this possible.


750 participants screened worldwide April 2024

Renal Lifecycle symposium in Utrecht, NL April 5th 2024

First participant in Australia October 2023

First participant in Germany April 2023
25th Participant involved in UMCG March 2023
Participating centers worldwide

Numbers of participants worldwide

Below is an overview of participants so far from study start. On the bottom bar the time, on the left bar the number of participants screened. The colors indicate the countries involved. The numbers are participants from all patient subgroups in all participating centers in that country added up.

Participant numbers across countries from study start till June 2024 - measured globally

Here is an overview of the participants by subgroup. The colors indicate which subgroup is involved. The numbers are participants of all patients in that subgroup from all participating countries added up.

Participant numbers across patient groups from study start till June 2024 - measured globally


On Friday, April 5, 2024, the Renal Lifecycle symposium took place in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The symposium covered the state of the

National television

The Renal Lifecycle research has made national television! In a broadcast of the program Koffietijd (on 28-10-2022) Professor Ron Gansevoort gave information


The October issue of Wisselwerking, the membership magazine of the NVN, features an interview with Drs. Heleen Nijmeijer, trial coordinator of the