Groundbreaking research

A new drug that sometimes stops the decline of kidney function altogether and prevents heart failure and death. It works in many people with kidney problems. But is this also the case in people with severe kidney damage? Large-scale research in which the Kidney Foundation and the UMC Groningen are working together should show this.
In October, the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) will start a new study into a medicine for people with severe kidney damage. This is being done with support from the Kidney Foundation. “This is groundbreaking research,” says Ron Gansevoort, professor of internal medicine at the UMCG and research leader of the Renal Lifecycle study. “We know that the drug works in patients with limited kidney function. We are going to see for the first time whether it also works in patients with severely impaired kidney function.” The results are expected in four years.
Click here for more information and a youtube video with an interview