Renal Lifecycle

Renal Lifecycle

Renal Lifecycle symposium

On Friday, April 5, 2024, the Renal Lifecycle symposium took place in Utrecht, the Netherlands. The symposium covered the state of the art in cardio- and renoprotective medicine in patients with severe kidney disease and the Renal Lifecycle trial sponsored…

National television

The Renal Lifecycle research has made national television! In a broadcast of the program Koffietijd (on 28-10-2022) Professor Ron Gansevoort gave information about the research and its importance. In addition, a kidney patient was present to share her experiences as…


The October issue of Wisselwerking, the membership magazine of the NVN, features an interview with Drs. Heleen Nijmeijer, trial coordinator of the Renal Lifecycle study at UMC Groningen. Click on this link to read the interview in Wisselwerking, Oct 8th…


There is a lot of interest in this study. All Dutch centers (hospitals and dialysis centers) have been approached and many have indicated that they would like to participate in this study. There is also a lot of interest from…

Groundbreaking research

A new drug that sometimes stops the decline of kidney function altogether and prevents heart failure and death. It works in many people with kidney problems. But is this also the case in people with severe kidney damage? Large-scale research…

Behind the screens

RL logo

Many processes take place before a scientific study can be started. A research question is needed and money to carry it out. Once this is settled, the process of planning begins. There is a research topic, with it comes an…

Webinar Renal Lifecycle on Science Day

Wetenschapsdag 2022

Saturday, Oct. 8, is Science Day 2022. Where would we be without scientific research? Thanks to science, we know how our kidneys work and why they are so important. Thanks to science, treatments like dialysis and transplantation exist. And we…