Webinar Renal Lifecycle on Science Day

Saturday, Oct. 8, is Science Day 2022.

Where would we be without scientific research? Thanks to science, we know how our kidneys work and why they are so important. Thanks to science, treatments like dialysis and transplantation exist. And we know why lifestyle and nutrition are crucial for our kidneys. Today’s scientific researchers continue to search for new and better treatments. Every October, we reflect on this and celebrate science! This year, Science Day takes place during Kidney Month and we pay extra attention to scientific research on lifestyle and nutrition. On the Science Day, nieren.nl, the Dutch Kidney Foundation and the Dutch Kidney Patients Association (NVN) will bring you up to date on the latest developments in kidney research.

You can click this link for more information

Several webinars will be available on the day. Among them is one in which principal investigator Prof. Ron Gansevoort talks about the Renal Lifecycle research.

You can click this link for the webinar

All webinars can also be watched at a later moment.