Behind the screens

Many processes take place before a scientific study can be started. A research question is needed and money to carry it out. Once this is settled, the process of planning begins. There is a research topic, with it comes an appropriate research name. For this study, the title “Renal Lifecycle” was chosen from the following background.
A patient with kidney disease generally goes through several stages. From healthy person becomes kidney patient. And from patient with kidney disease you become a chronic kidney patient. Sometimes the kidney damage is so great that you have to rely on kidney replacement therapy, such as dialysis. A number of patients undergo a kidney transplant. Not all transplants go well; sometimes rejection occurs so you may have to return to dialysis. Or the kidney does do well but has to be replaced because of “wear and tear.”
In short, there is a kind of cycle going on, a life cycle of the kidney (renal, which has to do with the kidney – renal in English). Since this study involves all categories of kidney patients, the name Renal Lifecycle was chosen. No matter what stage of the cycle the patient is in, they continue to participate in this study.
The logo was designed specifically for this study. It depicts infinity, which in turn represents the life cycle. In addition, the colors are based on the international classification of CKD. Where green indicates no chronic kidney damage, through yellow (mildly increased risk) and orange (moderately increased risk) to red which indicates a severely increased risk of chronic kidney damage. (Source: NHG Guidelines).